There are many approaches that can be taken to release fascia tension in the body, all with the same goal of decreasing viscosity or fascial ‘stiffness’. This will help decrease overall tension in the body and increase mobility/function while decreasing pain and...
Davis’s Law is a principle in anatomy that relates to the adaptability and remodeling of connective tissues, particularly fascia, in response to mechanical stress. It is named after Henry Gassett Davis, an American orthopedic surgeon who proposed this concept in...
It has been theorized for many years that fascia is peizioelectric in nature, and will convert the gentle pressure held at each barrier into an energetic release of the tension. Fascia is believed to exhibit piezoelectric properties, which means it can generate...
Five years into my career as a massage therapist my hands were sore from treating, I had developed a psychological aversion to having lotion on my hands and I was unable to make any significant headway treating the chronic pain patients who seemed to be coming to me...